Welcome to eklektick. I'm Kristin Krause, an avid crafter, creator, designer and decorator who spends a great deal of time restoring our historic home, making brightly colored crafts,
painting frames and moldings on my walls and taking pictures.
I'm very excited to be part of Blog It Forward and want to thank Victoria for organizing this wonderful opportunity to not only discover new blogs but to learn what inspires others. I'd like to thank Sam of dwell deep for her post yesterday and invite you to visit enhabiten who will be posting tomorrow.
I've thought about what inspires me daily for the past month. In my lifetime, I would have to say that CHANGE inspires me the most. But in the past two years, there has been something that has actually inspired me a bit more.
What is it? It's flickr! Not the photo sharing /social networking site owned by Yahoo itself. But, the people I have met who have chosen to share their time, their lives, their collections, their comments and their hearts with me.
It would be absolutely impossible for me to acknowledge
each and every photographer in one post.
Here's a sampling of my favorite flickr photos from the
past two years.
If you find yourself looking for inspiration,
click on the links below to visit these inspiring